Tag: alwayson-availability-groups

PostThe US$ 50,000 Nested Parenthesis

In a previous blog post, I talked about the new SQL Server 2016 Availability Groups Load Balancing of Read-Only Replicas feature (I know that’s a mouthful but it’s how I understand the concept.) I explained how the precedence rules in defining how the read-only workload is balanced across multiple readable secondary replicas using nested parenthesis.   […]

PostIntroducing the New SQL Server 2016 Availability Groups Load Balancing of Read-Only Replicas

About four years ago, I did my very first webcast on the Availability Groups feature in SQL Server 2012. The premise of the presentation was how we can provide high availability features to existing SQL Server workloads without making changes to the underlying storage. For my demo, I used an existing database mirroring configuration for high […]

PostVideo: Designing a SQL Server Always On Availability Groups Topology

As you go thru different phases in your career as a SQL Server professional, you progress from being a technician (primary task is more focused on operations) to a designer/architect (primary task is focused on designing a solution and eventually assists in building it.) A technician will be more concerned about a single aspect of a […]

PostThe S.P.A. That Prevents Your Synchronous SQL Server Always On Availability Groups From Failing Over Automatically

This is a very common question that gets asked on the technical forums, newsgroups, social media, etc. when it comes to synchronous SQL Server Always On Availability Groups (AG): “Why did my AG not automatically failover?” Notice that I mentioned SYNCHRONOUS and not asynchronous. Only when Always On Availability Group replica databases are configured for synchronous commit […]

PostAlways On Readable Secondaries: That Extra 14-bytes In Your Record You Didn’t Know About

– “Progress comes at a price.” Edwin Sarmiento- I’ve responded to customers’ inquiries about the benefits of implementing SQL Server 2012 Always On Availability Groups since Microsoft released a public CTP of “Denali.” I’ve delivered presentations, written articles, prepared proof-of-concept designs and even recorded a video on this topic. While it may be a new […]

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