Tag: database-corruption

PostVideo: SQL Server Backup Checksum

In a previous blog post, I talked about the importance of using the CHECKSUM keyword in the BACKUP DATABASE command to make sure that you are not caught unaware of page corruption in your backups. I’ve also provided a very simple example of showing how this one keyword can influence whether or not you’ll have a good […]

PostKnowing and Understanding Your Disaster Recovery Strategy

This last weekend, I had the opportunity to speak at SharePoint Saturday Montreal – being one of the few English speakers for the event – on the topic of SQL Server high availability and disaster recovery options for SharePoint. After my presentation, one of my SharePoint MVP friends approached me about a database corruption issue that happened on […]

PostIs a Successful Backup Really a Successful Backup?

There are two common types of backups performed on SQL Server databases. The first is the native backup type that is commonly taken using either the out-of-the-box database maintenance plans or a custom backup script. The second type is that which is taken by third-party backup tools – be it an enterprise-wide backup tool or a SQL […]

PostHow To Identify Potential Data Loss When DBCC CHECKDB Reports Corruption – The Simple Way

A few days ago, one of my customers reached out to me on Instant Messenger and asked how to identify what the potential data loss is when DBCC CHECKDB reports corruption of a SQL Server database. My common response is the usual “it depends” in that there are cases when DBCC CHECKDB may recommend using the option REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS. […]

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