I used to photocopy physics laboratory reports. This was before I had access to a personal computer and the internet. The fastest way to answer questions in a physics laboratory report was to copy someone else’s. No thinking, only reacting. I made it thru my senior year in high school with a high score in physics […]
PostThe “Real” Secret of Successful SQL Server DBAs
[callout]Replace SQL Server DBA with your career or role and the lesson will apply regardless.[/callout] We’ve all followed successful people – rockstars, entrepreneurs, public figures, Hollywood actors, even geeks like Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg. I’m sure you’re like me, intrigued as to what made them really successful so you can emulate what they did. […]
PostHow To Convince Your Boss (or Customer) To Re-Evaluate Your HA/DR Solution
Have you ever had a conversation with your boss (or customer, if you’re a consultant) that went something like this: Boss: We need a solution where we can run SSIS packages on a secondary server should failures occur. You: Why do we need it? Boss: Because I want to. You: We can run either failover clustering […]